🙏 We are delighted to have been involved in this fantastic project in collaboration with @cuttingedgesets, @inkling.culture, @netflixuk, @theCALMzone, @rickygervais, and @engravedbench to celebrate the final series of AfterLife on Netflix and bring attention to the wonderful work and support provided by CALM.

Picture @AP, @rickygervais
🤫 It’s been hard to stay quiet about it, and the team and our partners did an amazing job to get all the benches ready to be distributed across England, Scotland and Wales. It’s lovely to now see positive reactions and pictures of them in place.

Picture @AP, @rickygervais
💭 Enjoy the show, enjoy finding the benches and finding some time for yourself. Check out the work of CALM whilst you’re there.
Hope is everything.

The full range of Field & Hawken teak benches can be found via this link.
#hopeiseverything #netflix #afterlife #afterlife3 #rickygervais #afterlifebench #engravedbench #reflection #calm #fieldandhawken #teakbench #uk #memorybench #relaxingbench #contemplationbench #teakengravedbench #mentalawareness #mentalhealth #talkaboutit #suicideawareness #thecalmzone #rdguk #rdgukbusiness #berkshire #westberkshire #teakoutdoorbench #cuttingedgesets #inklingculture